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Success Diet Solution Stories

From Fitness & Diet Experts to Just About Anyone
The Diet Solution Delivers Real Results

*The testimonials posted below are not extreme cases nor can we claim that they are all “typical”. For those who wish and allow us, we are happy to display their accomplishments. Some of the testimonials have been condensed. (we sometimes receive long letters). but the results have never been altered in any way. fashion or form. We are very proud of the diet solution program has done for many people and we hope you are too.

“I am loving it.”

Karen and Stewart Parker

Karen and Stewart Parker
New Zealand

“This was a reminder for me as this was how I started in the first place with your 3 main tips. Then after a week and a half and starting to see results we bought the Diet Solution program. I am loving it. I am definitely seeing results and feeling heaps better. So is my husband. I have more energy best of all my trousers aren’t tight anymore. The one thing that does surprise me is that is I am not craving chocolate like I used to. Thanks heaps and keep up the motivation – there are days when I definitely need it.”

I’m Not Starving and I LOVE My Life!

Cindy Standifer

Cindy Standifer

“Before I found Isabel’s nutrition tips online, I ate a diet consisting of a dangerously low amount of fat each day. I thought all fat was bad. Now I know Almonds, Flax seeds & Walnuts are good for me! At first I was scared to eat HEALTHY fats but once I did the pounds started coming off to my surprise! Calories used to be the first thing I looked at on a box, not caring what the ingredients were. Now Isabel has helped me train my mind differently. THE INGREDIENTS are the FIRST place you look! Her program broke my plateau. I’ve never been overweight but I felt like the scale was STUCK at 145 pounds no matter how much I worked out. Now I’m finally at my dream weight. I’m happy, I’m not starving, all of my co-workers and ex-boyfriends are jealous and I love my life!”

“Yay! I’m thin!!!”

Lucie Marcoux

Lucie Marcoux

“I’m a thin 43 year old woman. Since my 20s, I’ve had an interest in nutrition and learned a lot of things since then. I also began to see fat on my stomach and over the years it never disappeared, in fact I began to see more! I would go to the gym, but nothing would happen. I really learned a lot with the DSP. I adore pasta , bread and cereals and was able to make it through the 14 days without them! I lost 3.1 cm on my waist. I feel better now without wheat, as I am not bloated. I love all the information I’ve read to help me to achieve my goals of fat burners and being in good health. Thank you, Isabel. Your DSP is fantastic and a treasure! “

“My husband can’t get over how much better I look.”

Melinda Marshall

Melinda Marshall

“I started out on March 30, 2009 with Nutrasystem. I had ordered your e-book and felt like the foods with all the starches and soy with Nutrasystem would not be as good for me as eating the foods that you suggested. I couldn’t wait to run out of the Nutrasystem foods so that I could start your Diet Solution. I have been on your program since July. I have lost a total of 22.5 lbs. since March 30. I have been continuing to lose weight being on your program. I would still like to lose another 12 lbs. so I am still working on those stubborn pounds. It has really been a slow process, but I know that I have been eating better than I ever have in my life. My husband can’t get over how much better I look. The Diet Solution has changed my life so much for the better. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for almost 41 years, wear an insulin pump and my blood sugars have never been so good in all those years. I feel like I am doing more for my overall health than ever. I am also exercising, which has never lasted for me more than a couple of weeks, but now I am going on six months. I want to continue to eat by your plan and exercise for the rest of my life. I just wish I had started when I was your age. I am about to turn 66 years old.
Another thing I have changed since being on your program is the kind of salt that I use. I am like you, in that I LOVE salt. I am currently using Celtic Sea Salt and I love it. Also, I have started to buy more omega 3 rich fish and even grass fed beef when I can. I appreciate your newsletters and all the suggestions and hints that you have in them. I am so glad that I heard of you through Mike Geary’s newsletters. You have been a great help for me in so many ways.
I just received my first bottle of EFA Icon krill oil from Prograde because of your suggestion. I have thought about ordering their Longevity, but have not done so yet.
Thank you for everything, Isabel, and thank you for being there.”

“From a size 14 to an 8!”

Dani Solano

Dani Solano

“I just wanted to say thank you! Your program has worked great for me.
I am one of those people that has struggled with my weight all of my life. I remember in second grade my class did charts of everyone’s height and weight. and I weighed the most even back then! The only time in my life I was anywhere close to a healthy weight was in high school when I was playing soccer and we trained a couple hours a day, 6-7 days a week. When I went to college. what is the freshman 15 for most people was more like the freshman 40 for me. At my fattest (I think around sophomore year of college). I weighed in close to 200 pounds (I am only 5’ 4’’).

I have tried losing weight several times, but nothing seemed to work for very long. I’ve especially had problems dieting…whenever I cut calories, I get tired and cranky, and even if I lose any weight, it just comes right back. I’ve tried a variety of pills and shakes (none of them worked) and those stupid lean cuisine things always leave me hungry.
To make matters worse, I am a graduate student, and life is pretty stressful. My qualifying exam was in February of 2008, and I put on a TON of weight while preparing for it. I was eating a lot of fast food because had no time for anything else (was always studying), and I think the stress itself added a couple extra pounds. I actually had a nightmare where I woke up the morning of my qualifying exam and had to wear jeans because I was too fat to fit into my nice pair of dress pants! The other sort of wake-up call for me happened around the same time when my dad told me he was prediabetic, and I am EXACTLY like my dad, so I was really worried about becoming prediabetic too.

After passing my qualifying exam, I decided I really needed to do something aboutAfter passing my qualifying exam, I decided I really needed to do something about my weight (which at the time was about 190). I spent a lot of time searching online for something that I thought would work, and finally was lucky enough to happen upon Mike Geary’s webpage. I ended up buying his “Truth about fat burners (which at the time was about 190). I spent a lot of time searching online for something that I thought would work, and finally was lucky enough to happen upon Mike Geary’s webpage. I ended up buying his “Truth about Six-Pack Abs” program. and your program the diet solution program which he highly recommended. Using your nutrition advice and his workouts (I also sometimes use Jon Benson’s “7 Minute Muscle” workouts), I have lost nearly 40 pounds and gone from a size 14 pants to a size 8. I still would like to drop one more pant size. but I think I’m doing pretty well so far!”

“It is so wonderful to get to eat when you’re hungry and not to feel guilty!”

Courtney Lovelace

Courtney Lovelace

“The first thing I’d like to do is say “thank you” to you for writing The Diet Solution Program. I had purchased Mike Geary’s “Truth About Abs” book and one of his emails pointed me in your direction. Much like many, many other people, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. My mom noticed before I could even talk that I LOVED food and since she had always struggled to stay thin, she attempted to “help” me through my youth and teen years, by joining me on the latest and greatest diet crazes. I would always lose the weight, and of course, would always put it back on. She did teach me the value of daily exercise, so I was never severely overweight, but there were times in my life when I was probably 30-40 pounds over my “ideal” weight. So, in the past few years, I’ve always felt like I could stand to lose at least 20 pounds, but adding more exercise never helped…it just made me more hungry and made me feel justified in eating more! Consequently, the weight never came off. I started your 6-week jumpstart guide in March of this year. In hindsight, I should have journaled more, but I’ve never been one to write things down. And I hate calorie counting!!! Anyway, it has been a (thankfully) slow process, but I have lost 18 pounds since then. I know the importance of taking weight off slowly…it means it’s more likely to stay off! I lost the first 12 pounds in 3 months while maintaining my same exercise routine of weight lifting and cardio (Mike Geary’s program). In May, I was introduced to a hot yoga routine taught at a local studio and decided to give it a try. I had been suffering with a painful IT band in my right leg for almost a year and thought it might be nice to take a break from the gym and work on healing my body. Since May, I lost the other 6 pounds through eating well and doing hot yoga almost daily. I have seen the most amazing changes in my body! It’s the best feeling when you see people who have known you for years and they say “Wow! You look tiny!” Me? Tiny? Are you nuts? Put on your glasses! But, then I remember that this is the smallest I’ve been since I was a freshman in high school, so why not? I guess since I see myself everyday, I don’t notice it as much. I have to say though, I have had to go get an ENTIRE new wardrobe. I wear 2-3 pants sizes smaller than I did earlier this year. It’s so great to try on clothes and like the way you look! The best part is, and I have to thank you for this, is that I’m not hungry. As you probably already know, I am a total protein type, so I am hungry A LOT. It is so wonderful to get to eat when you’re hungry and not to feel guilty because I’m putting great, healthy food into my body. Eating healthy isn’t cheap and it takes quite a bit of time (cooking) and dedication, but the benefits so outweigh the costs. Every time my parents would see me over the last few months, they would keep saying “wow, you’re looking great” and “you look so thin!” My mom has been on Weight Watchers for years and is always starving herself to “save her points” for a meal out or a big dinner with the family. And after a while, her weight would start to creep back up and she was eating unhealthy, chemical laded foods. My dad, whose entire menu is determined by my mom, had gained 15 unwanted pounds over the past year, which, like me, he always struggles to take off and then puts it back on. He is a sweet tooth like me, too! About 2 months ago, my mom finally broke down and asked to read the book. I gave her my printed copy and she read it in a day, went online and ordered your book for herself and started her and my dad on the 6-week plan the next day. My mom’s weight loss has been much slower (she doesn’t have a lot to lose), but my dad, who was very resistant at first by the way, has lost 15 pounds and looks and feels great! He satisfies his sugar cravings, which have decreased a lot, by the way, with a square or two of organic dark chocolate or occasionally a scoop of Coconut Bliss. I am so happy that they decided on their own to change their way of eating. I didn’t even have to convince them, they could see the results! Thank you for asking all of us to share our stories. Your book has really changed my life. I always look forward to your emails and I try your recipe suggestions, so keep them coming! “

“I am no salesman for Isabel but…I can strongly vouch that the DSP has shattered all the myths about healthy body fat loss”

Yew Fook Keong

Yew Fook Keong

“I started on your DSP and lost 3.3 Ibs in the first week and a total of 5.5 Ibs within the targeted two weeks. Although I didn’t lose the maximum 10 Ibs, I was totally on cloud nine because I had never lost so much weight in two weeks in my life. What amazed me most was that my total body fat reading showed a whopping reduction of 33 to 15 and at the same time my muscle mass has increased. I’ve continued with DSP by religiously abstaining from all white foods, confining myself to just plain water and Chinese tea and dropping off wheat totally from all my meals. Guess what? I dropped another 9.5 Ibs making that a total of 15 lbs over the course of a month. Initially, I was apprehensive as to whether a massive loss of 15 Ibs over four weeks would affect my energy levels. I was happy to discover that I was able to walk briskly for 2 to 3 hours in the morning and run for 90 minutes in the evening. I am no salesman for Isabel but when results are emerging consistently, then I should give credit when it’s due. I thought it would be very difficult for a 54-year old to lose weight but I can strongly vouch that DSP has shattered all the myths and erroneous information about healthy body fat loss and revitalization of one’s energy. I feel young again and it’s like getting a second wind in life. Now aging becomes an enjoyable and graceful process for me.”

“Foods That I Hardly Ate in the Past are Now Part of my Diet!”

Constantinos Alkides

Constantinos Alkides

“I am very excited to have been literally educated on nutrition through the Diet Solution Program. I never had a problem with excess weight. yet I have always wanted to become leaner and drop my fat percentage. I achieved that within 12 weeks of applying the DSP’s concepts. There can’t be any better source of information for anyone interested in lowering fat levels or increasing muscle mass. But besides these targets, what is most important about this system is that it introduces the natural and healthy way of eating which subsequently leads to a happy lifestyle.
The combination of DSP along with intensive resistance training and interval cardio worked so well for me. I managed to achieve my goal while enjoying five meals a day rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat. Foods that I hardly ate in the past are now part of my diet, like sardines, anchovies, mackerel, raw cheese, sprouted spelt and almond butter. I have never been a good cook myself, now I have improved because I have learned how to combine protein/carbs/fat and this knowledge has triggered my interest towards preparing all my meals by myself. Not that I do not enjoy a cheat meal once a week, I do so happily (I go for a chocolate cake once in a while). I used to consume a lot of chocolate in the past, but by the time I managed to go on a balanced diet through DSP’s way, my body stopped craving sweets. DSP’s suggestion on going organic is crucial. I believe that foods free from antibiotics, hormones and other substances can help a great deal. I avoid anything with ingredients I do not understand. I go for the easy way and that is ‘single ingredient food’. My target now is to gain some muscle mass and substitute the weight that I lost in fat, with solid muscle. I do hope that I will see the results that I expect as I did during my effort for fat loss. But even if I don’t manage to build the amount of muscle I want, I will still be glad in that I have finally found the right way for healthy eating and a happy lifestyle.”

“I am fit at 60 years old”

David Braun

David Braun

“I really enjoy your e-mails. I am fit at 60 years old and have always subscribed to a healthy diet with adequate exercise. Your constant input has been a positive reinforcment of my lifestyle choices. I wondered if some of the younger men would recieve some confidence to realize their bodies don’t have to look bad at 60 if they saw my photo. Keep up the encouragement!”

“Better Than The Rest!”

Melissa Wright

Melissa Wright

“The Diet Solution Program is definitely much better than Dr. Suzanne’s Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, fat burners Strip That Fat and Warp Speed Fat Loss. Hands down, this is definitely one of the best, and possibly the most comprehensive weight loss guide I’ve read so far. What I really like is your Quick Start Guide which clearly sets a pathway to weight loss success, provided the reader implements the instructions inside this manual. In addition, the Action Steps included at the end of every topic make sure the reader fully grasps the content well and implements the strategies accordingly. With The Shopping List and Recipes, I don’t see any excuse why the reader would face any problems in losing those extra pounds. I feel really privileged to have been invited to review the content of this amazing book.

…definitely one of the best!”

“The doctors tell me I’m a pure miracle. It’s no miracle, it’s my daughter’s nutrition plan!”

Pilar De Los Rios

Pilar De Los Rios

“I’ve been overweight my whole life. My complete lack of knowledge about proper nutrition and health led to Adult Onset Diabetes which eventually affected my kidneys and landed me on dialysis. If I only knew that the consequences of unhealthy eating were going to be as severe as dialysis, I might have started a weight loss program a lot sooner. Four years into my dialysis treatments (that’s 3x’s a week of 4 hour painful, hospital treatments-not a pleasant experience) I was finally called in for a kidney transplant. That was only half the battle. Now taking care of my new kidneys was entirely up to me. In all the time leading up to my transplant, I never followed through with my daughter’s nutritional suggestions. Here, perfect strangers were paying her hundreds of dollars for her nutrition advice, and I never believed I had the “will power” to do it. After my surgery, I made the choice to put my trust in my daughter’s nutrition plan instead of listening to the hospital dietitian. The hospital’s plan was almost the exact opposite of what Isabel was recommending, but based on her previous results with hundreds of clients, I knew that was the best choice for me.
The doctor warned me that the heavy steroids I was taking post-transplant would cause immediate weight gain (30-40 lbs in most people). To his surprise in the first 3 months after my surgery I lost 25 lbs and that was on the steroids. He said he never saw someone lose weight like this. My blood work was so great, he began to take me off my medications, one by one. First the blood pressure medication went, then the cholesterol medication went, and then the insulin was almost completely eliminated. Now, this is almost unheard of in a 65 year old diabetic who has undergone kidney transplant. Normally in these cases you are completely dependent on medication to keep your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure under control.
Now one year later, I am 40 pounds lighter! The doctors tell me I’m a pure miracle. It’s no miracle, it’s my daughter’s nutrition plan! I have never felt better in my life. I have more energy now at 65 than I ever did at 30, 40 or 50. I am going to live every day like it’s my last and will not deviate from my incredible new eating regimen. I can’t believe I didn’t follow Isabel’s nutrition plan earlier. It’s really so simple and it has given me my life back. I wish I would have known this information 10 years ago and maybe my health struggles would have not been so severe. There is no need for you to go through the same struggle I did. Please don’t suffer the same consequences of your unhealthy weight. Remember these consequences are much greater than just a few extra numbers on the scale. Your health and your life is literally dependent on it.”

Living life at a higher level as a mom.

Teaque Shuey

Teaque Shuey

“This year I gave myself the best birthday present, The Diet Solution Program! With Isabel’s meal plans I lost 15 pounds and 8 total inches off my body. And the best part was that I did it in less than 6 weeks. My favorite part was I never felt hungry on the plan and sticking to it was a lot easier than I thought. This program was so different than all the others I had tried in the past because I was never hungry and I lost weight. I couldn’t believe it. I always thought you had to go hungry to lose weight but Isabel’s program taught me otherwise. Now, I continue to practice the wonderful nutrition principles I learned in the diet solution program and have been able to maintain my weight loss. Thank you Isabel for creating a program that was easy to follow and proved great results!”

“I Now Weigh 190 in Large Part because of Your Expertise.”

Al Beauchesne

Al Beauchesne

“Let me start from the beginning. In March of 2003 I was injured at work and had to have five surgeries in the next several years to finally repair my right shoulder. The last one in 2007 was the final and most painful of them all. I had to be hospitalized for three and a half months before I could return home on my own. I weighed 242lbs in April of 2007. I began going online to find out the most effective methods of getting back into shape. I found a few methods written by body builders/nutritionists that seem to work. I lifted weights for years throughout the late seventies, eighties and into the nineties. I knew how to exercise but because of my injury I had to work around many obstacles. I was doing OK then one day I found your site and downloaded your book. It has been the most useful of all. I now weigh 190 in large part because of your expertise. Thanks for your continuing support.”

An Eye Opening Experiencem !

Tani Brown

Tani Brown

“I always considered myself to be in decent shape, working out 5 days a week, but still had some weight I wanted to lose. This program really opened my eyes to the mistakes I was making in my eating and the results were amazing! I only really needed to fat burners 10 lbs but the most amazing part was the 10.5 total inches I lost from my waist, hips and thighs. Even better, I saw quick results and finally “learned” how to eat. I never felt unsatisfied or hungry on the program. I am so grateful my best friend forwarded me Isabel’s website! Thanks Isabel! I am so happy I decided to do this program.”

For People Who Are Serious About Permanent Weight Loss and Superb Health

Jacquelyn Blake

Jacquelyn Blake
Chek-certified Nutrition and
Lifestyle Coach Level 3
Exercise Coach
Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 1
Certified Yoga Teacher

“This book is for people who are serious about permanent weight loss and superb health. If you are ready to take back your life and open your mind, here it is people. This book was so good that I actually almost burned down my apartment reading it (yikes, don’t cook and read at the same time!). Isabel unapologetically tells the “experts” (doctors, advertisers, pharmaceutical companies and anyone else who is making money keeping you fat and sick) exactly where they can stick their bogus information. If you are ready to take a good look at yourself and the addictive (albeit socially acceptable) harmful habits that have been holding you back and reach for a higher existence starting with amazing health, The Diet Solution is for you.”

Your Voice Has Been Incredible!

Samantha Garcia

Samantha Garcia

“Thank you for writing your very informative, insightful, and tremendously helpful book. It’s funny how truly little we start off knowing about taking care of our bodies, having a lean physique, and a strong, healthy heart & mind. It’s no wonder, in the past, I have never been able to achieve real results. I knew nothing about nutrition, and I never thought about eating healthy to lose weight. Your work has transformed the way I feel and think about the diet solution program and my relationship to living a healthy lifestyle. I am so thankful to have found you. You’re an amazing role model! You change the lives of people everyday. I hope you continue doing the work you do. After listening to your videos, blog, work, and emails I realize the amount of misinformation that is in the world. Your voice has been incredibly helpful, positive, and reassuring that I can achieve my ideal weight.”

Meghan Telpner, Author of Making Love In The Kitchen

Meghan Telpner

Meghan Telpner
Certified Nutritionist
Holistic Lifestyle Consultant
Tornonto, ON

“Most of the books I’ve read and diets I have studied have been appalling. Horrible when someone is depriving themselves and having such a hard time with a protocol and you know they are only setting themselves up for failure. I must say, of all the programs I have read, yours is by far and away the best, most complete, most balanced, most natural and most sustainable. I employ essentially the same principals when working with my own clients – whether their goal is weigh tloss disease prevention or disease recovery.
Great book, great tips, great recipes, and great information. Thank you!”

“You could easily charge $500 or more for this type of information. All I can say is wow!”

Jamin Thompson

Jamin Thompson
Motivational Speaker
Fitness Model
Author – The 6 Pack Secret

“After reading Isabel’s Diet Solution I was completely blown away. This is the most complete diet and nutrition program that I have found by far and Isabel is definitely one of the most knowledgeable experts in the field. Most diet and nutrition authors are terribly misinformed, and are still preaching about diet strategies that just don’t work. With so many “experts” parading all over the internet posing as gurus it is difficult to navigate through all of the fads and gimmicks to see what really works and what is a lie.
Isabel does an awesome job dispelling many of the prevalent diet myths that are so common in our society today such as “eating a low carb, low fat, or low calorie diet” are the best ways fat burners . Not only does The Diet Solution explain what to do, it explains how to do it. The entire process is broken down step-by-step, and Isabel coaches you through it all, making it practically impossible for you to fail.
If you are serious about your health and want a better body, I encourage you to take action today and pick up a copy of The Diet Solution!”

“The Diet Solution Program takes the diet industry head on—and wins.”

Joel Marion

Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT
Author, Cheat Your Way Thin

“You’re reading this page and you’re probably wondering how in the heck this program is going to help you when every other diet you’ve ever tried hasn’t. You’re frustrated, you’re skeptical, and you know what? You should be. The fat-loss industry has failed you. As a whole, it’s an institution that seems to be more concerned with making a buck than it is about actually helping you.
Disheartening, I know. But fortunately, there’s another side to this business that you seldomly see. The few and far between. The folks in our line of work that actually care and put things like honesty and integrity above quick-fixes, fads, and gimmicks. People like Isabel De Los Rios.
To say that I’m proud to call Isabel a colleague is an understatement. What she has done with The Diet Solution Program is something that many others wouldn’t dare do—toss the hype and instead deliver a program that actually works. You see, while this particular eating regimen may lack a catchy hook, the one thing it doesn’t lack is a no-fail program, scientifically based, that is sure to deliver the results you’re after. Forget dieting, forget gimmicks, and forget your past failures. In The Diet Solution Program Isabel De Los Rios provides exactly that—a real solution to your fat burners struggles. Buy it”

Mike Geary, Author of The Truth About Abs

Mike Geary

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Internationally Best-Selling Author:
The Truth about Six Pack Abs

“Isabel’s the diet solution program is the first nutrition program that I’ve found that I actually agree with 100%. Most “diet” authors are misinformed about certain aspects of nutrition, but in my opinion Isabel is one of the most knowledgeable in this field, which is so heavily crowded with conflicting information and gimmicks or fads. She gives the honest facts you need to know about why soy is NOT a health food, the truth about “whole grains”, why artificial sweeteners might be harming you, good dairy vs bad dairy, how to eat right for your specific body type, and much more startling information! If you care about your health How many calories to lose weight (and your loved ones) and about getting a lean fit body for life, this program is an absolute must read. But don’t just read it… take action!”

Being a Picky Eater is No Problem!

Shérri Gambrill

Shérri Gambrill

“Isabel, I am doing so GREAT and I am SO EXCITED about this plan and how well I am progressing. In the just the first 3 weeks I’ve lost 9 lbs. You really put together a winner for me. I’ve tried lots of diet plans, but nothing like yours. Not only is it good, I’m a very, very, picky eater to start and I found all the foods were foods I like. It’s always been difficult for me to put the right foods together and not feel hungry. Now, I’m happy to say I’m learning how to do that and I just can’t thank you enough!!”

Losing 56lbs. Completely Changed My Life !

Louis Clement

Louis Clement

“Not too long ago, I was given a grim diagnosis by my doctor (“We’re unsure if you’ll be with us 2 hours from now”) and I knew my life had to change then and there. I decided to start living everyday like it was my last. I knew I had to lose weight but nothing had ever worked for me in the past. Thanks to Isabel’s program and inspirations, I lost 56 pounds, and also stopped smoking in the process. My self esteem increased, my income increased, and I am now the happiest man in the world. On top of everything else I will be getting married next year to my beautiful girlfriend Svetlana! It’s amazing what losing 56 pounds can do for your life.”

“No other fat burners plan has given my body more definition and curves, losing weight from all the right places.”

Sandra Bunting

Sandra Bunting

“Not only did I lose weight on the Diet Solution Program, I gained an incredible amount of energy. I love the changes I see in my body and, of course, love the reactions I get from my friends and family when they see me. No other weight loss plan has given my body more definition and curves, losing weight from all the right places. These meal plans were so realistic for me and easy for me to follow. Thank you Isabel for giving me the tools to feel so great!”


