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Apple cider vinegar and weight loss

 Apple cider vinegar. Made from the fermentation of the apple as it should and should not filter or pasteurized as these extra steps to process the large amounts of vitamins, nutrients and fermentation products and ideas. the key ingredient in apple cider. Vinegar's health benefits and weight loss properties.

 Apple cider vinegar and weight loss ... how much to use?

Apple cider in a glass of water before each meal. Patricia Bragg recommends adding 1 or 2 teascpoons of raw honey to this mixture. Any way you use it, do not expect to lose weight quickly weight is lost gradually as it is supposed to help the body's fat cells to resize them. Apple cider vinegar and weight loss ... how to work.  No one is really sure that apple cider vinegar works to promote weight loss. However, there is no shortage of theories.  It is generally believed that nutrients, enzymes and organic acids in cider vinegar, apple, causing weight loss by acting as a suppressant appetite by increasing the metabolic rate of your body by decreasing the water. water and help you maintain a sense of well-being.  For more information about one of these mechanisms are possible for each click on the Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss theory.  Recent medical research has highlighted the connection between the level of Insulin and loss of weight, coupled with the fact that vinegar is known to slow the rise of blood sugar levels after meals, leading to suggestions that the Apple Cider. vinegar in food reduces the amount of insulin needed to process the food to lose weight.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss… How Long will it Take?
DC Jarvis, MD spent many years practicing medicine in Vermont and observing the effects of home remedies used throughout the green mountains.
He found that apple cider vinegar was widely used for weight loss. In his popular book "Folk Medicine" he emphasized that the resulting loss of weight was gradual but permanent.
As a general rule, from numerous observations, he found that a woman of average height weighing 210 pounds will weigh 180 pounds after 2 years if she takes 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water at each meal.

That's 15 pounds weight loss a year, with no change in daily food intake, except avoiding excessively fatty foods.
(Use the helpful tips outlined below to significantly speed up the weight loss process.)
Some of Dr. Jarvis's actual case studies are recorded in another book titled "Cider Vinegar" by Cyril Scott.  
 More recently, a four week experiment was conducted by professor Carol S. Johnston, a nutritionist at the Arizona State University East in Mesa, to further investigate the beneficial relationship between vinegar and diabetes.

As an unexpected side effect she found that her test subjects were losing weight!
They were taking two tablespoons of vinegar before each of two meals daily.The average weight loss over the four weeks was two pounds (several people lost up to four pounds) while a control group which did not drink the vinegar showed no weight change.

Science News Online - Vinegar as a Sweet Solution? - 12/18/04

 Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss… Your Weight Loss Goal!
You can determine whether you are overweight and by how much, by calculating your body mass index (BMI), which is a measure of body fat based only on your height and weight .

Click here to obtain your own body mass index using the handy BMI chart provided and at the same time determine how many pounds (if any) you need to loose to get into your healthy weight range.
This will be your weight loss goal .

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss… Some Helpful Tips

Some people don't like the taste of apple cider vinegar in water. You can improve the taste of this drink dramatically the way I do, by using fruit or vegetable juice instead of plain water. Apple cider vinegar imparts a refreshing tartness or zing to a glass of orange or tomato juice.

Although weight loss is gradual when just using ACV, you should remember that it has the advantage of:
  • being a 100% natural product
  • producing a weight loss that tends to be permanent

You can speed things up dramatically however, by combining ACV with regular exercising, healthy eating, and drinking lots of water as described below:

More Potassium

Increase the amount of natural potassium in your diet over and above that obtained from regular use of apple cider vinegar.
Excellent sources of natural potassium include many fruits and vegetables.

To find out how much potassium you need daily, along with the best natural food sources for potassium, just click here.

Less Refined Foods

Reduce the amount of refined foods you eat and replace them with natural fruit, vegetables, and whole grain foods.
They contain much less fat, salt, and empty calories, and a lot more nutritious vitamins, minerals, and fiber that the body needs to function at its best.
Drink more Water

Water is vital for total health, after all, the body is 70% water. Water acts as the main transportation medium throughout the body for both nutrition and cleansing purposes. Drinking 8 glasses a day of filtered tap water, is recommended.
Exercise More

Regular exercise should be a big part of any weight loss program. All that's required is a brisk walk at least 3 times a week.

As with all new exercise programs, start off slowly and work yourself up to a point where you can walk 3 miles in about 45 minutes.
This way you will be toning and building muscles that will keep on burning fat even when you are at rest.

For more weight loss tips, especially on how best to lose dangerous belly fat or just flatten your tummy , I highly recommend the e-book called "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" written by Mike Geary who is both a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Nutrition specialist.

This e-book is filled with 117 pages of information on the best exercises to do to reduce belly fat with clear color pictures to help you do them.
Mike also includes over 80 lean-body recipes using wholesome natural foods that you can use for meal ideas throughout the day.

"The Truth About Six Pack Abs" comes with a full 60-day Money-Back Guarantee if you find it is not right for you as well as a "Try it first and decide later" option.

NB The e-book is also available in French and Spanish and German.

Click on the links below to see some great contributions about the use of vinegar for weight loss from other visitors to this page...

How ACV helped me to shed excess weight

by Karen
(Memphis, TN)

I didn't believe it and still don't know what is actually happening, but I lost 10 lbs the first week.

I quit using ACV at the end of the week because I got sick. Just in case it was caused by ACV and because I could not stomach it while sick, I quit.

My stomach is better so I am trying it again. After 1 day, I have lost 1/2 pound. I have no stomach issues at all so far.

ACV broke the plateau I was on, after 3 weeks of dieting and no weight loss. I thought it was just water weight, but after weeks of not using it, I have still maintained most of the loss. (still dieting).

I don't lose weight easily; so, this boost was a welcome one. I exercise and am trying a low fat diet. So far, it has helped.

I don't think it was a coincidence that both times I started ACV, the weight loss was immediate.

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How ACV helped me to shed excess weight

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May 01, 2012
by: SusieP

Hi, Karen! Thanks for sharing your story.
I am about to start the ACV "diet". A couple in our church said they mix 2 TBSP of Honey & 1 TBSP of ACV to a cup of water. They drink this twice daily and swear to its weight loss benefits.
My question to you is how do you take this? Do you mix it with water? Do you include honey?
I look forward to hearing back from you!

Apr 26, 2012
by: Anonymous

Would you dilute ACV with water or how do you use it to shed weight?

Apr 20, 2012
by: Rose

Congratulations Karen! I too found that taking ACV after meals not only was easier on my stomach, but I saw an increase of weight loss and a decrease of my stomach faster than when I took prior to eating.
I guess it's all about experimenting and seeing what works best for your own body!
Good luck to you and keep us updated on your progress. :)

Apr 17, 2012
ACV to lose weight continued
by: Karen

After my stomach got better I tried it again and my stomach got worse. I recommend eating before taking the ACV. It's really acidic.

With ACV slow and steady wins the race!

by Lorri
(San Tan Valley, Arizona USA)
That's me...
That's me...
French translation

I started taking ACV 17 days ago, on January 16th, 2012 and so far I've lost 7.8 pounds. I started out taking:

2 teaspoons ACV + 1 tablespoon lemon juice + 8 ounces of water before each meal.

Now that I've eased into the taste of the ACV, I've upped the dose to 1 tablespoon ACV and now I take it before each meal AND before bedtime. The current recipe is:

1 tablespoon ACV + 1 tablespoon lemon juice + 8 ounces water

Just so you know where I'm at:

**I'm over 40 years old and have over 50 pounds to lose. Last Spring I started working out with my husband in the morning and riding my bike quite a bit and despite my clean diet and all of the exercise I wasn't losing any weight and I wasn't getting toned either.

Was it hormones preventing the loss? A lethargic Thyroid? Years of yo-yo dieting? Too much Chardonnay? I don't know but I was demoralized by the fact that I wasn't losing weight so I rebelled and started gaining more! That'll teach me won't it?

**I gave up sugar YEARS ago and I don't use artificial sweeteners in their place.

**I have not increased my level of exercise which is to say that I don't exercise at all. However, I did have the urge yesterday to do some cross-fit type exercises and I actually DID them! Before you applaud you should know that it lasted less than 10 minutes and I'm sore as all get out today but still...I did it. :)

**My diet could be considered Lacto-Paleo.

**I melt 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in just enough hot water to melt it and drink that before each meal as well.

The ACV that I use is Bragg's (because it's raw and organic; that's important). The EVCO that I use is from Nutiva though I've also had it from Tropical Traditions.

I hope this helps someone. :)

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With ACV slow and steady wins the race!

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Mar 31, 2012
Eating out
by: Anonymous

How do you handle eating out? Do you take the ACV and EVCO with you or take it before you leave?
Your story is so inspiring-- thanks for sharing it with us!

Mar 29, 2012
more questions
by: Sue

Thanks for the update.. and congratulations on the continued weight loss.
I bought the ACV, but have not started with it yet. I'm a little worried about having heartburn or acid reflux from it. I'm also wondering if adding it to juice will change the benefits of it at all?
You have done a great job at losing weight. Have you changed your diet and exercise, or are you losing weight just as a result of drinking the ACV and EVCO?

Mar 28, 2012
For Anonymous on March 11
by: Lorri

Anonymous - I'm sorry that I forgot to reply to you!! :)
I'm hot sure what stores you have in your area but if you've got a Kroger family store, you'll probably be able to find it there, in their Organic/Health Foods section. Barring that, any local health food store should carry it and as a last resort, you can always order it online. I use Bragg's Raw, Organic, Raw, Unfiltered ACV. :)
As for how quickly you will see results; that I can't answer. Everyone is different so it may start working right away, may take some time or may not help at all. That sounds really depressing, I know, but it's the only answer I've got.

Mar 28, 2012
UPDATE and Replies
by: Lorri

Anonymous with a headache:
I too had headaches for the first week to ten days and I attributed this to toxins leaving my system. I tried to ignore the headaches but they were nagging enough that I did finally take Ibuprofen.
I'm so glad that you've gotten started! How are things going?
Thanks! Have you started yet? How are you doing?
Have you added the EVCO already? How is that going?
UPDATE - 03/28/12
I'm down another 3.4 pounds!!

Mar 24, 2012
Question on this diet
by: Anonymous

I started this diet a week ago but I have been getting a lot of headaches is this normal????

Mar 23, 2012
by: Doris

I think the combo is doing this.

Mar 15, 2012
Day One!
by: cathylmft

I'm excited to start and hoping that I'll see results like yours.
I'm starting out with the ACV and perhaps will add the EVCO later...that one's going to take a little more bravery on my part!
Thanks so much for sharing your story...please keep posting!

Mar 13, 2012
by: sue

I stumbled onto this page desperate to find a way to lose weight. This sounds too good to be true, but I am going to give it a try.
Your results are amazing!

Mar 11, 2012
Where to buy ACV ?
by: Anonymous

Where do you buy the raw and unpasteurized ACV ? in PA ?
How long will it be till I see some changes ?

Mar 09, 2012
Keep up the good work!
by: Rose

You have such an inspiring story. Glad to see you're still doing well!
You have inspired me to add EVCO to my diet. :)

Mar 08, 2012
by: Lorri

UPDATE - 03/08/12
Down another 7.6 pounds for a total loss of 21.8 pounds so far!
To Newbie: YOU CAN DO IT! :)

Feb 28, 2012
by: newbie

Thanks for the updates!
I purchased the organic ACV a few weeks ago but due to my fear of the taste, I have yet to try it.
But my fear of not losing weight is stronger! So I will start my regiment in the morning!
Thanks so much for the motivation!!

Feb 24, 2012
by: Lorri

To Anonymous,
The brand does not matter, but you want to make sure that it's raw (unpasteurized), unfiltered, and organic.

Feb 24, 2012
AVC Brands
by: Anonymous

Does the Brand of AVC matter??

Feb 23, 2012
by: Lorri

UPDATE 02/23/12
It's been two weeks and I'm down another 4.2 pounds for a total loss so far of 14.2 pounds.
The routine has not changed:
Before each meal:
*1T ACV in 8 ounces of water
*1 ounce (2T) virgin coconut oil melted in just a bit of hot water
Before bedtime:
*1T ACV + 8 ounces of water
Loving the loss!

Feb 09, 2012
by: Lorri

**UPDATE 02/09/12**
It's been another week and I'm down 2.2 more pounds for a total loss of 10 pounds in 24 days!
One change: I was starting to notice some stomach upset after drinking this 'tonic' and I suspected that it was the lemon juice so I cut it out and sure enough, no more tummy trouble. But...the weight loss continues!
The new recipe is:
1 tablespoon ACV + 8 ounces of water before each meal and at bedtime. Still taking 1 tablespoon of organic, extra virgin coconut oil melted in water before each meal as well.
I've noticed that my appetite is shrinking and I'm not sure what to attribute that to. Is it the ACV? The coconut oil? A combination of them both? Either way, I'm eating less but feeling fuller for longer.
So far, so good. :)

Feb 04, 2012
Good job!
by: Anonymous

Keep us updated on your progress!

